Brickwork and plaster more than other types of finishing suffer from destruction by rain and frost. Such buildings require regular facade repair. These are mainly apartment buildings built in the second half of the last century.
I am constantly engaged in repair work. I start by cleaning the plaster from dirt. At the same time, he tapped the entire surface in search of hidden voids. These can be cracks and flaking of the finish. Salt penetration is noticeable immediately, it stands out in white spots. All defects are carefully patched. In places of accumulation of moisture and salt, I examine the walls inside. Perhaps pores have formed on old pipes or dew is accumulating due to broken thermal insulation.
I continue after eliminating the breakdowns:
- I clean all voids and exfoliation;
- I pick saltpeter to the full depth and treat the places of their formation with a special composition;
- I first patch up cracks and deep dents, apply a reinforced fiberglass mesh;
- I cover the wall with a layer of plaster, I sink the mesh into it vertically with an overlap;
- I install a profile at the corners to strengthen them;
- I apply a finishing layer;
- after drying, cover with decorative acrylic putty or paint.
Walls treated with plaster and tiles are less likely to collapse. Seams absorb moisture and break out. It is necessary to check and tap each one at the beginning of the repair.
Types of facade repair
One of the types can be insulation of the facade using foam plastic followed by plastering. With this type of work, it is important to follow the foam installation instructions. Many cases are known when, after a strong wind, one of the walls of the building was exposed, as all the panels were torn off. Technology of insulation of the facade of an apartment building with foam plastic. The assembly of foam blocks must be made with glue for foam plastic or for ceramic tiles. Glue should be applied to the panel in five places (in the center and at the corners). Then foam plastic is glued to the wall. It is also easy to use glue to close the joints between the sheets and the corner seams, where the wind can get in. After the panels have been glued, they need to be strengthened with fungi-dowels. And even in such situations, they can be torn off by a strong gust of wind.
Hanging ventilated subsystem of the facade, finished with ceramic tiles Recently, hanging ventilated subsystems, which have facings of various materials, have become popular. But this type of work looks like changing the facade of the building, so it does not fall under the scope of the law on renovation. Often, this kind of finishing of buildings is carried out with the mutual consent of the home owner and tenants. What if the apartments were privatized? Then, too, an act of decision-making by all the residents of the building to repair the facade is necessary. It should be approved by the relevant governing bodies. After full approval, you can hire a contractor and begin repair work. The cost of performing such works will depend on the material used to cover the ventilation facade.
Applying a new coating to the facade
The application of the final coating to the entire surface of the wall is carried out no earlier than after 24 hours, but if there is time, it is recommended to increase this interval to three days. Theoretically, you can use any suitable type of solution, but in practice it is necessary to assume that the old coating is not is stable and, accordingly, the new one should not be too heavy. There is no guarantee that all damaged parts of the old plaster have been removed. No one also guarantees that a certain area of plaster, which during the inspection seemed to be firmly attached to the wall, has proper adhesion to it. Before the new layer of facade plaster becomes securely connected to the old one, at least several days. At this time, the old layer of plaster will “work”.
The color of the main layer of plaster is selected depending on the paint used in the future and its tone. Depending on the color of the paint, you can use a solution based on gray or, more expensive, white cement. The solution should be laid evenly according to the standard method: with a metal spatula at the first stage and using a trowel at the finishing stage, in order to obtain a smooth surface. After applying a new layer to the wall during the drying process, the new facade must be protected from moisture for at least 24 hours.
Repair of facade plaster
Damaged plaster that has begun to crumble can be restored by yourself. Let’s consider in more detail how to plaster the facade of the building yourself. For work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:
- putty mixture;
- means for priming the surface;
- hammer;
- container for mixing the solution;
- a plastic container or a container with a sprayer;
- wire netting (barrel netting);
- trowel;
- hard brush;
- spatula;
- bucket of water
If the first signs of the destruction of the plaster of the facade of the building were detected in the cold season and were not immediately removed, then during several cold months the damage will only increase.
Finishing materials for facades
We will immediately state that the major repair of the facade of the house can be accompanied by a complete renewal of its appearance due to the use of new (most modern) types of finishing material. Among the known types of facing coatings, the following are particularly popular:
- decorative plaster mixtures, which are distinguished by a completely acceptable price and simplicity of the processing (application) process;
- decorative siding panels that give the facade of the building a rather strict and attractive look;
- traditional slab materials;
- ceramic granite
Use of siding
Siding coating can be used to finish any type of base (made of wood, brick, stone or plaster); it is distinguished by ease of installation and the following excellent characteristics:
- durability;
- external attractiveness;
- resistance to external destructive actions;
- environmental friendliness
According to the manufacturer’s instructions, siding replacement begins from the bottom up.
Restoration of an old house is a time-consuming process, but with effort, you can achieve excellent results.