In the month of May, there are several upcoming Hollywood movies that will hit Indian cinemas. Kangana Ranaut’s Dhaakad will make its theatrical debut on the same day, along with Arjun Rampal and Divya Dutta. The film will also be attached with the trailer of Avatar 2, which will give people more reasons to go to the theatre. Ayushmann Khurrana’s Anek, directed by Anubhav Sinha, will also hit theaters on May 27.
Among the other upcoming Bollywood movies this year, ‘Shooter Dadis’ has been generating mixed responses with the trailer alone. While the movie is still a few months away, the teaser has already generated a lot of hype. The trailer for this movie is expected to hit the screens on October 25. Watch the teaser and get ready for an amazing Bollywood release this year.
The Indian film industry was established in 1932 by Dadasaheb Phalke, an eminent Indian language scholar. Hollywood has long been considered to be the center of filmmaking. The 92nd Academy Awards, featuring many Bollywood stars, took place on the same night as the Indian version. However, U.S. policy has restricted the flow of foreign investment in the film industry. Consequently, a few movies from Hollywood will be released in India.
Don’t Worry Darling is a psychological thriller set in the 1950s. Florence Pugh stars as Alice in the film, and Harry Styles plays her husband, Jack. They are married, but Jack is keeping a secret that Alice doesn’t know. Other notable cast members include Nick Kroll, Gemma Chan, Chris Pine, and KiKi Layne. This film is sure to make the theaters a buzz this fall.
The sequel to Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larson, will hit theaters in August 2023. The movie will be based on the comic book series. It stars the Cobra Kai actor Xolo Mariduena as the superhero Blue Beetle. The movie is being directed by Angel Manuel Soto, and screenwriter Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer will pen the script.
Another highly anticipated movie this year is Amsterdam, which will mark David O. Russell’s first movie since 2015’s Joy. The film follows three friends who become prime suspects in a 1930s murder. It features Christian Bal, Margot Robbie, John David Washington, and Rami Malek. This film also features a young actress named Anya Taylor-Joy. It’s also set in the UK, which means it will be a highly successful movie for Indian audiences.